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Autore: Donovan

I'm training to be an engineer <a href=" ">what is eriacta 100mg</a> Snowden would have never sought accomplices, because he&#8217;s too selfish. Having an accomplice would have meant sharing the limelight. His plan was obviously to sit back in his new home, and slowly leak out juicy tidbits for years&#8230; all the while drawing in as much attention as possible. I don&#8217;t believe for a second he is motivated by the concept of actual change. Trying to change things the way he is, is like trying to control the weather. What appeals to him is the concept of anarchy itself. Doing things this way, allows him to be a big hero with the whole&#8230; Guy Fawkes mask, Che t-shirt crowd. He reminds me of Bob Lazar&#8230; A person who is basically intelligent, yet so starved for attention, that he will do just about anything to get it.


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